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"REX-G7 (DT/01-V.1A) - SOFUBI"

自REX 1/6 珍藏人偶後, 我們很高興再次與 M56 合作,將他的機甲影響力融入軟膠玩具形式中。

M56 以 SOFUBI 形式首次亮相! 我們很高興地宣布我們的最新產品系列:REX-G7 (DT/01-V.1A)。該角色透過全機甲半透明頭盔、標誌性色彩組合、獨特的排版和圖形真正表達了 M56 的設計理念。儘管如此,機械球棍將成為他的玩具系列中多次出現的標準武器。


10 Oct 12:00中午限量發售。

建議零售價 - 2800 新台幣


M56 is making its first appearance in sofubi form!We are excited to partner up with M56 once again to pursuit his Mecha influence into a soft vinyl toy form.

We are excited to announce our newest line up, REX-G7 (DT/01-V.1A). The character is truly expressing the M56 design philosophy with a fully mecha translucent helmet, signature color composition, one of its kind typography and graphics. Nonetheless, the mechanical bat will be the standard weapon that had been making multiple appearances from his toy line up.

20 units will be first available during Taipei Toy Festival

On October 10, limited sales will be available at at 12:00 PM.

SRP - 2800 TWD






Machine 56/5060 Clothing

"REX-G7 (DT/01-V.1A) - SOFUBI"

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