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"The BUTCHER 屠夫"

Devil Toys 將聯同台灣設計師- @skullman 一起首次挑戰恐怖電影的領域。 合作於TTF推出他的全新軟膠新作,作品搜集了大量恐怖電影和遊戲的造型,再加上 SKULLMAN擅長的大型鐵釘和鐵鑄骷髏面具元素創作的新角色 "The- BUTCHER 屠夫" 。


尺寸: 19.5 CM高

*全人手上色, 不設退貨, 更換



Devil Toys will team up with Taiwan artist - SKULLMAN to make their first foray into the realm of horror films. Collaborating at TTF, they will launch a new work featuring SKULLMAN , which incorporates numerous elements from horror movies and games. This new character, "The BUTCHER," is created with SKULLMAN 's signature large iron nails and cast iron skull mask elements.

limited 20 pcs Online

Height: 19.5 cm




The BUTCHER by Skull Man

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